Scholarly Analysis

Qirat Shahid

February 19,2024

Department of English, City College of New York

Writing for science

Deeadra Brown


Analysis On Dark Galaxy

On August 7,2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics published “ An almost dark galaxy with the mass of the Small Magellanic Cloud ” by Mireia et. al (2023). Dark galaxies have low surface stellar masses density and there is not enough energy density to cause the dark halo they inhabit. In this they found Nube, which is mostly dark galaxies. This research article is following IMRAD because it follows this format except for material, it uses charts and uses passive voice.

This research article is following IMRAD because it has introducion, data, Results & Analysis and conclusions. The abstract is about the Dark galaxy’s low surface density. This causes the star light to be not dark.Also, dark matter that exists in the dark galaxy. Introduction is very long. low surface stellar masses density and there is not enough energy density to cause the dark halo they inhabit. They is not enough engyen to change dark matter location. Stellar surface density from gas density that make star. It talk about structure properties and dark galaxy properties are cold drak matter and fuzzy matter. The paper do not have a hypothesis but use different past projects or research to support it. Introduction is in a passive voice. Introduction and Results & Analysis go in IMRAD order. All the subtitles follow IMRAD order but methods and Discussion name are just different.

The method is called data in the article but it do explain the methods. It talk about using HiPERCAM to get Nube images and image at different pixel. This process was in controlled and enclosed environments. They also measured systemic heliocentric velocity. When described the process the authors keep on use we. Method is in both active and passive voice. The Discussion is not subtitled as discussion but is subtitled as conclusion. The subtitle names are different for Discussion and method but they have the same meaning. They convey the same message in that specific subtitle. IMRAD goes in sme order that anyone can follow and get the information. In this subtitle they have other subtitles that tell us what they are going to talk about. For example in the subtitle 3.Analysis and results. It has another subtitle that is 3.1. Radial profiles of Nube. In this section it was talking about how to measure that photometry of the galaxy and radial surface. There is one more subtitle 3.3. Dynamical mass of Nube. In this subtitle the author shows math to find the mass of the Nube. All the IMRAD subtitles are in black but the other subtitles under the IMRAD are in orange color.

The author has one chart that is the image of the nube that SDSS RGB image at different sizes or zooms in size. One image is 20 x 20 box. They 9 different graphs. It has graphs on Surface stellar mass density,Comparison of the structural properties,Spectral energy distribution, etc. It also has an image of a nube. It also use math to support its research. It is mostly in passive voice. Also, they are no hedging verb because it do not use word like appear and seem.

As you can see, In this they found Nube, which is mostly dark galaxies. This research article is following IMRAD because it follows this format except for material, it uses charts and uses passive voice. There is no hedging verb used. Article just wants to show and prove its research on the dark galaxy by using past research, images, charts, graphs and math.




Montes Mireia et al. 2023 An almost dark galaxy with the mass of the Small Magellanic Cloud. New York: Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Qirat Shahid

February 16 ,2024


Draft 1: Analysis On Dark Galaxy

On August 7,2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics published “ An almost dark galaxy with the mass of the Small Magellanic Cloud ” by Mireia et. al (2023). Dark galaxies have low surface stellar masses density and there is not enough energy density to cause the dark halo they inhabit. In this they found Nube, which is mostly dark galaxies. This research article is following IMRAD because it follows this format except for material, it uses charts and uses passive voice.

This research article is following IMRAD because it has introducion, data, Results & Analysis and conclusions. The abstract is about the Dark galaxy’s low surface density. This causes the star light to be not dark.Also, dark matter that exists in the dark galaxy. Introduction is very long. low surface stellar masses density and there is not enough energy density to cause the dark halo they inhabit.. The paper do not have a hypothesis but use different past projects or research to support it. Introduction is in a passive voice. Introduction and Results & Analysis go in IMRAD order. All the subtitles follow IMRAD order but methods and Discussion name are just different.

The method is called data in the article but it do explain the methods. It talk about using HiPERCAM to get Nube images and image at different pixel. This process was in controlled and enclosed environments. They also measured systemic heliocentric velocity. When described the process the authors keep on use we. Method is in both active and passive voice. The Discussion is not subtitled as discussion but is subtitled as conclusion. The subtitle names are different for Discussion and method but they have the same meaning. They convey the same message in that specific subtitle. IMRAD goes in sme order that anyone can follow and get the information. In this subtitle they have other subtitles that tell us what they are going to talk about. For example in the subtitle 3.Analysis and results. It has another subtitle that is 3.1. Radial profiles of Nube. In this section it was talking about how to measure that photometry of the galaxy and radial surface. There is one more subtitle 3.3. Dynamical mass of Nube. In this subtitle the author shows math to find the mass of the Nube. All the IMRAD subtitles are in black but the other subtitles under the IMRAD are in orange color.

The author has one chart that is the image of the nube that SDSS RGB image at different sizes or zooms in size. One image is 20 x 20 box. They 9 different graphs. It has graphs on Surface stellar mass density,Comparison of the structural properties,Spectral energy distribution, etc. It also has an image of a nube.

As you can see, In this they found Nube, which is mostly dark galaxies. This research article is following IMRAD because it follows this format except for material, it uses charts and uses passive voice. There is no hedging verb used. Article just wants to show and prove its research on the dark galaxy by using past research, images, charts, graphs and math.




Montes Mireia et al. 2023 An almost dark galaxy with the mass of the Small Magellanic Cloud. New York: Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Qirat Shahid

May 20,2024

Reflection:Scholarly Analysis

The articles Astronomy & Astrophysics published “ An almost dark galaxy with the mass of the Small Magellanic Cloud ” by Mireia is in the article in the IMRAD format. My strength is something I have learned is to strengthen your source use practices (including evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources). In Scholarly Analysis I have learned to analyze. For example This research article is following IMRAD because it has introducion, data, Results & Analysis and conclusions. The abstract is about the Dark galaxy’s low surface density. This causes the star light to be not dark.Also, dark matter that exists in the dark galaxy. Introduction is very long. low surface stellar masses density and there is not enough energy density to cause the dark halo they inhabit. …. Introduction and Results & Analysis go in IMRAD order. All the subtitles follow IMRAD order but methods and Discussion name are just different.” This shows that I was analyzing if it follows IMRAD from. I was able to cite my sources. I have analyzed those articles in my essay and evaluated, integrated, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing.

My weakness is enhancing strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment because even after revising and editing. I still have grammar mistakes. When I self-assess or revise I would alway see everything is perfect. When it is not. So, for Next time I would go to the writing center for help.